After completely recovering from colon cancer, Dad had to face his last battle, lung cancer. This time, despite radiation treatment, chemotherapy and immunotherapy in the capable hands of his doctors, cancer continued to spread aggressively causing his health to deteriorate rapidly.
Knowing that treatments were no longer working, his hope and sense of purpose started fading. I had to remind him how lucky he was for having achieved all four blessings.
Now, he just needed to work on that 5th blessing. A week before he passed away, I told him I am going to run some errands, he held my hand and said, "I am going." I asked: "Where to?" "To Heaven." He replied: He was saying goodbye to me. On the day he passed away, we said farewell to him before he passed. I told him if he would like to go, ‘It is okay. God is there. Just follow the light.
Think of God. Grandpa, Grandma, my Aunt ( his sister ) and my uncle ( his brother ) are all waiting for him. Not to worry about us as we are all fine here’... With God's help, he received his fifth blessing on Nov. 21, 2016 at 4:40 pm.
He left with a smile on his face. Truly God had been with him and will always be. Forever.
Praise be to God!
Dr. Wilhelmina
Johnny K Lima
- Born Aug-22, 19RP (Chinese Calendar)
- Teacher, Enterpreneur
- Photographer, Composer, Artist
- Husband, Father, Grandfather
- Lion's President, 1978
- Lion's Governor, 1980
- Church Elder, 2007
- World Traveller
- Joined the Lord on Nov 21, 2016, 4:40 pm